Sunday, January 20, 2013

Getting To Know Author Beck Sherman

Recently I was given the opportunity to read and review 'Revamp' by Beck Sherman. ( If you would like to read or even re-read my review please click here) In addition to providing me with a review copy of 'Revamp', Beck was also gracious enough to grant me an interview!

Beck Sherman was born and raised in Massachusetts. Beck attended Syracuse University undergrad, has a master’s degree in photojournalism from the University of Westminster, London, and when not writing, enjoys exploring abandoned insane asylums and photo-documenting the things that go bump in the night, when they’re kind enough to pose. (bio provided by author)

Are you lucky enough to write full time or do you have a day job as well?

My day job is looking after my 19-month-old. I write when she’s sleeping.

When did you start writing?

I started writing in the womb. I wrote an epic novel about love, loss, and redemption over a span of nine months. Unfortunately, I couldn’t take it with me. It was way too big. I didn’t think ahead. After that, I wrote small-scale stories throughout my childhood. I come from a large Irish family - a family of storytellers that can spin tales from a routine trip to the supermarket.

What is the first thing that you ever wrote?

When I was around thirteen, I wrote a short, short story about a girl who goes on vacation with her family and is shown around the rental cottage by a caretaker with glowing red eyes. I think it was called “The Glowing Red Eyes” or something like that. Destined to be a bestseller.

What is your favorite part of the writing process?

Starting and finishing. Not like I don’t appreciate the middle bits, but when you start a novel it’s like heading out on an adventure, and the end is like coming home.

Do you have any pet peeves?

Mean people. Bad drivers. 

What book is currently on your nightstand?


If you could be any character in any book, who would you be?

Did you ever read “American Psycho” by Bret Easton Ellis? The main character, Patrick Bateman, has one hell of a good time. Just kidding. That’s a funny question for me because I read a lot of horror novels - a lot of victims and killers. Who wants to be a victim? Who wants to be a killer? Probably more appealing than being a victim but too messy, really. Dry cleaning costs would be exorbitant. I’d be the character that makes it to the happy ending. Wins the money. Gets the love.

What is your favorite tv show(s) past or present?

“Breaking Bad” and I do not appreciate this extended hiatus. Just saying. “Dexter,” of course. And “Girls” is a cool new show on HBO - in its second season.

If 'Revamp' was made into a movie who would you want cast?

Since “Revamp” has an extensive character list, here are a few...and I’ll be using my nifty time travel abilities to cast younger versions of a few actors. Okay, we’ll start with Emma. It’s a toss-up between Emma Stone and Jennifer Lawrence. I’ve seen them both in interviews and they’ve got that strange, quirky personality, like Revamp’s heroine. Cooper would be played by a younger Jake Gyllenhaal. In homage, Scott St. Martin would be played by Michael Biehn from “Aliens” and the first “Terminator.” One of my favorite actors, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, I think would be perfect as Charlie. A younger Michelle Rodriguez as Seven. Chris Evans as Rudy. Last but not least, Mabon would be played by either a younger Cillian Murphy, or possibly Ryan Gosling.

'Goodbye Nothing' is slated for release this May, can you tell us a little about it?

“Goodbye Nothing” is a new adult horror novel with a supernatural element about a nice guy, Cain Emmerick, who finds the fun in doing evil deeds after he’s the victim of a violent act. That’s about all I’m giving away at the moment. Oh, and there are a couple of unusual scenes in “Goodbye Nothing”...let’s just say I’m interested in seeing how people are going to react to them.

I want to extend a huge thank you to Beck Sherman for taking the time to answer my questions.  To learn even more, check out Beck's website.  If you haven't read 'Revamp' yet, do yourself a favor and get a copy.  And keep your eyes peeled for the release of  'Goodbye Nothing' expected this May.

1 comment:

  1. I've read Revamp and loved it! I'll be watching for Goodbye Nothing. Great to hear there's a new book by Beck coming out:)

    laura thomas
